This is the type of site we create every
day for companies throughout southern New England. Public
Image Limited merges the talents of information technology
professionals, marketing specialists and graphic designers to:
Analyze your customers, competition and market forces.
Determine the optimum information architecture for your
Create interactive, data-driven pages using Active Server
Pages and other dynamic web technologies to front-end SQL
compliant database servers.
Create a custom visual identity for your company's web
Streamline your business processes and take cost out
by leveraging the power of your intranet.
Improve your customer relations and increase repeat sales
with an extranet.
What we do.
Skills: How we do, that voodoo, that we do; so well.
Portfolio: Examples of the
aforementioned voodoo.
Contact: Contact us.
Clients: For existing clients.
Employment: If you can't figure this one out, don't
